Strawberry Shakev14
This is documentation for v14, which is currently in preview.
See the latest stable version instead.


Strawberry Shake is configured by altering the .graphqlrc.json at the root of your project. All settings to into extensions.strawberryShake object. Here is a full configuration with all possibilities:

// The path of the schema file, that will be used to generate the client.
// This setting may also be used by other tooling, because it is a default field of graphql-spec
"schema": "schema.graphql",
// The selector that determines, what files will be regarded as graphql documents
// This setting may also be used by other tooling, because it is a default field of graphql-spec
"documents": "**/*.graphql",
"extensions": {
// Here do only Strawberry Shake specific settings live
"strawberryShake": {
// The name of the generated client
"name": "ChatClient",
// The namespace of all the generated files of the client
"namespace": "Demo",
// The URL of the GraphQL api you want to consume with the client
"url": "",
// The access level modifier of the generated client
"accessModifier": "public",
// Shall your client be based on dependency injection? If yes, all needed setup code
// will be generated for you, so that you only have to add the client to your DI container.
"dependencyInjection": true