
Client Management

The barista client command provides a set of subcommands that allow you to upload, validate, publish, and unpublish client versions, as well as create a new client, list all clients of an API, and show details of a specific client.

Publish a Client

The barista client publish command is used to publish a client version to a stage.

barista client publish \
--tag v1.0.0 \
--stage production \
--client-id Q2xpZW50CmdiOGRiYzk5NmRiNTI0OWRlYWIyM2ExNGRiYjdhMTIzNA==


  • --tag <tag> (required): Specifies the tag of the client version to deploy. It creates a new version of the client with the specified tag. The tag can be any string, but it's recommended to use a version number (e.g., v1, v2) or a commit hash. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_TAG.

  • --stage <stage> (required): Specifies the name of the stage. This is the name of the environment where the client will be published. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_STAGE.

  • --client-id <client-id> (required): Specifies the ID of the client. This ID can be retrieved with the barista client list command. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_CLIENT_ID.

  • --api-key <api-key>: Specifies the API key used for authentication. It doesn't have to be provided when you are logged in. Otherwise, it's the secret that barista api-key create returns. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_API_KEY.

  • --wait-for-approval: Waits for a user to approve the schema change in the app in case of a breaking change.

Unpublish a Client

The barista client unpublish command is used to unpublish a client version from a stage.

barista client unpublish \
--tag v1.0.0 \
--stage production \
--client-id Q2xpZW50CmdiOGRiYzk5NmRiNTI0OWRlYWIyM2ExNGRiYjdhMTIzNA==


The options for the unpublish command are the same as for the publish command.

Validate a Client

The barista client validate command is used to validate a client version.

barista client validate \
--stage production \
--client-id Q2xpZW50CmdiOGRiYzk5NmRiNTI0OWRlYWIyM2ExNGRiYjdhMTIzNA== \
--operations-file ./operations.json


  • --stage <stage> (required): Specifies the name of the stage. This is the name of the environment where the client will be validated. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_STAGE.

  • --client-id <client-id> (required): Specifies the ID of the client. This ID can be retrieved with the barista client list command. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_CLIENT_ID.

  • --operations-file <operations-file> (required): Specifies the path to the JSON file with the operations. This is a file containing persisted queries in relay style. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_OPERATIONS_FILE.

  • --api-key <api-key>: Specifies the API key used for authentication. It doesn't have to be provided when you are logged in. Otherwise, it's the secret that barista api-key create returns. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_API_KEY.

Upload a Client

The barista client upload command is used to upload a new client version.

barista client upload --tag v1.0.1 --operations-file ./operations.json --client-id Q2xpZW50CmdiMDk4MDEyODM0MTI0MDIxNDgxMjQzMTI0MTI=


  • --tag <tag> (required): Specifies the tag of the client version to deploy. It creates a new version of the client with the specified tag. The tag can be any string, but it's recommended to use a version number (e.g., v1, v2) or a commit hash. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_TAG.

  • --operations-file <operations-file> (required): Specifies the path to the JSON file with the operations. This is a file containing persisted queries in relay style. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_OPERATIONS_FILE.

  • --client-id <client-id> (required): Specifies the ID of the client. This ID can be retrieved with the barista client list command. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_CLIENT_ID.

  • --api-key <api-key>: Specifies the API key used for authentication. It doesn't have to be provided when you are logged in. Otherwise, it's the secret that barista api-key create returns. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_API_KEY.

Create Client

The barista client create command is used to create a new client.

barista client create --api-id QXBpCmdiOGRiYzk5NmRiNTI0OWRlYWIyM2ExNGRiYjdhMTIzNA==


  • --api-id <api-id>: Specifies the ID of the API for which you want to create a client. This ID can be retrieved with the barista api list command. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_API_ID.

List all Clients

The barista client list command is used to list all clients of an API.

barista client list --api-id QXBpCmdiOGRiYzk5NmRiNTI0OWRlYWIyM2ExNGRiYjdhMTIzNA==


  • --api-id <api-id>: Specifies the ID of the API for which you want to list the clients. This ID can be retrieved with the barista api list command. You can set it from the environment variable BARISTA_API_ID.

Show Client Details

The barista client show command is used to show details of a specific client.

barista client show Q2xpZW50CmdiMDk4MDEyODM0MTI0MDIxNDgxMjQzMTI0MTI=


  • <id>: The ID of the client whose details you want to show. This ID can be retrieved with the barista client list command.