
Fusion CLI Documentation

The Fusion Command Line Interface is a tool designed to assist the development and management of APIs using Fusion. This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to the Fusion CLI, covering installation, commands, options, and usage examples to help you effectively utilize the tool in your projects.


Fusion CLI is a command-line tool that assists developers in composing, packaging, and managing federated schemas for Fusion gateways.


To install the Fusion CLI, ensure you have the .NET SDK installed on your machine. Then, install the CLI globally using the .NET tool command:

dotnet tool install -g HotChocolate.Fusion.CommandLine

This command installs the Fusion CLI globally, making it accessible from any directory in your command line.


fusion compose

The compose command is used to create or update a Fusion gateway package (.fgp file) by composing multiple APIs packages (.fsp files). This package is then used by the Fusion gateway to serve a unified schema.


Composes multiple APIs into a Fusion gateway package.


fusion compose [options]


  • -p, --package, --package-file <package-file> (REQUIRED): Specifies the path to the Fusion gateway package file (gateway.fgp). This file will be created or updated by the compose command.
  • -s, --subgraph, --subgraph-package-file <subgraph-package-file>: Specifies the path to a subgraph package file (.fsp) to include in the composition. This option can be used multiple times to add multiple subgraphs.
  • --package-settings, --package-settings-file, --settings <package-settings-file>: Specifies the path to a Fusion package settings file (fusion-subgraph.json). This file contains additional settings for the composition.
  • -w, --working-directory <working-directory>: Sets the working directory for the command. Defaults to the current executing directory.
  • --enable-nodes: Enables the Node interface feature in the gateway, allowing it to understand node(id: ...) queries.
  • -r, --remove <subgraph-name>: Removes a specified subgraph from the existing composition in the gateway package.
  • -?, -h, --help: Shows help and usage information for the command.

fusion subgraph

The subgraph command group contains commands related to subgraph management, such as packaging subgraphs for composition.

fusion subgraph pack

The pack command creates a Fusion subgraph package (.fsp file) from a subgraph's schema and configuration. This package is then used in the composition process.


Creates a Fusion subgraph package from a subgraph's schema and configuration files.


fusion subgraph pack [options]


  • -p, --package, --package-file <package-file>: Specifies the output path for the subgraph package file (YourService.fsp). Defaults to <SourceName>.fsp if not specified.
  • -s, --schema, --schema-file <schema-file>: Specifies the path to the subgraph's schema file (schema.graphql).
  • -c, --config, --config-file <config-file>: Specifies the path to the subgraph's configuration file (subgraph-config.json).
  • -e, --extension, --extension-file <extension-file>: Specifies paths to any schema extension files to include. This option can be used multiple times for multiple files.
  • -w, --working-directory <working-directory>: Sets the working directory for the command. Defaults to the current executing directory.
  • -?, -h, --help: Shows help and usage information for the command.


This section provides practical examples of using the Fusion CLI commands in common scenarios.

Example 1: Packing a Downstream Service

Suppose you have a subgraph named Products with a schema file schema.graphql and a configuration file subgraph-config.json. To create a subgraph package, navigate to the subgraph's directory and run:

fusion subgraph pack

In case your schema and configuration files have different names or are located in a different directory, you can specify them using the -s and -c options:

fusion subgraph pack -s other-schema.graphql -c config.json

This command generates a Products.fsp package file in the current directory.

Example 2: Composing a Gateway Package

To compose a Fusion gateway package from multiple subgraph packages, use the compose command. For example, to compose the Products and Orders subgraphs into a gateway package named gateway.fgp, run:

fusion compose -p gateway.fgp -s ../Products/Products.fsp -s ../Orders/Orders.fsp

This command creates or updates the gateway.fgp file with the composed schema from both subgraphs.

Example 3: Removing a Downstream Service from the Composition

If you need to remove the Orders subgraph from an existing gateway package, use the --remove option:

fusion compose -p gateway.fgp -r Orders

This command updates gateway.fgp, removing the Orders subgraph from the composition.

Example 4: Enabling Node Interface Support

To enable the Node interface feature in your gateway, allowing it to handle node queries, include the --enable-nodes flag during composition:

fusion compose -p gateway.fgp -s ../Products/Products.fsp --enable-nodes

Example 5: Specifying Working Directory

If your schema and configuration files are located in a different directory, you can specify the working directory using -w:

fusion subgraph pack -s schema.graphql -c subgraph-config.json -w /path/to/subgraph

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