Hot Chocolatev14
This is documentation for v14, which is currently in preview.
See the latest stable version instead.


Generally, the features from the HotChocolate.Data package should work with any LINQ provider from which some IQueryable<T> can be retrieved. However, this is not the case with Marten. Pagination and projections work out of the box as expected, but filtering and sorting do not. LINQ expressions generated for filtering and sorting must first be translated in a format that is digestible for the Marten LINQ provider before they are applied to the IQueryable<T> object. This integration provides custom configurations to seamlessly integrate Marten with the HotChocolate.Data package.

You can find a sample project for the integration in Hot Chocolate Examples.

Get Started

To use the Marten integration, you need to install the package HotChocolate.Data.Marten.

dotnet add package HotChocolate.Data.Marten
All HotChocolate.* packages need to have the same version.


To use Marten filtering, you need to register the convention on the schema builder:


Learn more about filtering.


To use Marten sorting, you need to register the convention on the schema builder:


Learn more about sorting.


Projections work out of the box as expected with Marten. No custom configuration is needed. Learn more about projections.


Pagination works out of the box as expected with Marten. No custom configuration is needed. Learn more about pagination.