Hot Chocolatev14
This is documentation for v14, which is currently in preview.
See the latest stable version instead.


In this section we will look at different technologies and how you can integrate them into your GraphQL server.

Entity Framework Core

Using Entity Framework Core requires some additional setup to play nicely with the concurrent nature of GraphQL resolvers. You will learn how to correctly use your DbContext in different scenarios and also how to tune Entity Framework Core for maximum throughput of your GraphQL server.

Learn more about our Entity Framework Core integration


You will learn how to access MongoDB from within your resolvers and how to translate our pagination, projection, filtering and sorting capabilities to native MongoDB queries.

Learn more about our MongoDB integration

Spatial Data

You will learn how you can expose NetTopologySuite types in form of GeoJSON and how to integrate it with our data APIs.

Learn more about our Spatial Data integration


Marten requires some custom configurations to work well with the HotChocolate.Data package. You will learn how to configure your schema to integrate seamlessly with Marten.

Learn more about our Marten integration