Nitro (fka Banana Cake Pop)

Stage Management

The nitro stage command provides a set of subcommands that allow you to manage stages.

Edit Stages of an API

The nitro stage edit command provides an interactive user interface for managing the stages of an API. The screen you see allows you to add new stages, save changes, edit existing stages, and delete stages.

nitro stage edit \
--api-id QXBpCmdiOGRiYzk5NmRiNTI0OWRlYWIyM2ExNGRiYjdhMTIzNA== # optional
Edit the stages of api QX... in your/Workspace
│ Name │ DisplayName │ After │
│ dev │ Development │ │
│ prod │ Production │ dev │
(a)dd new stage
(s)ave changes
press (e) to edit / press (d) to delete

The Console UI displays a table with the following columns:

  • Name: The unique identifier of the stage.
  • DisplayName: The user-friendly name that is shown in the UI.
  • After: The stage that the current stage follows.

Below the table, you'll find several options to manage stages:

  • (a)dd new stage: This option allows you to add a new stage to the API.
  • (s)ave changes: This option saves any changes you've made to the stages.
  • (e)dit: This option allows you to edit an existing stage.
  • (d)elete: This option allows you to delete a stage.

Hot to use the Console UI

  1. Navigate: Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate through the table of stages.
  2. Add a new stage: To add a new stage, press the 'a' key on your keyboard. You'll be prompted to enter the details of the new stage.
  3. Save changes: To save any changes you've made to the stages, press the 's' key on your keyboard.
  4. Edit a stage: To edit an existing stage, use the arrow keys to select the stage you want to edit, then press the 'e' key. You'll be prompted to update the stage's details.
  5. Delete a stage: To delete a stage, use the arrow keys to select the stage you want to delete, then press the 'd' key. You'll be asked to confirm your decision before the stage is deleted.

Remember to save any changes you've made before exiting the Console UI.


  • --api-id <api-id>: Specifies the ID of the API for which you want to edit stages. This ID can be retrieved with the nitro api list command. You can set it from the environment variable NITRO_API_ID.

List all Stages

The nitro stage list command is used to list all stages of an API.

nitro stage list --api-id QXBpCmdiOGRiYzk5NmRiNTI0OWRlYWIyM2ExNGRiYjdhMTIzNA==


  • --api-id <api-id>: Specifies the ID of the API for which you want to list the stages. This ID can be retrieved with the nitro api list command. You can set it from the environment variable NITRO_API_ID.