Nitro (fka Banana Cake Pop)

.Net Middleware

By default, when you map your GraphQL endpoints using MapGraphQL(), Nitro is automatically served at the /graphql endpoint.

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

In the example above, the GraphQL service and Nitro are both mapped to the /graphql endpoint.

If you want to serve Nitro on a separate endpoint, you can use MapNitroApp() method:

app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>

In this configuration, the GraphQL service remains at the /graphql endpoint, and Nitro is served at the /my-graphql-ui endpoint.

Disable the Middleware

In some scenarios, you may not want to serve Nitro, e.g., in a production environment. You can disable Nitro by setting the Enable property to false:

new GraphQLServerOptions
Tool =
Enable = false

Serve Modes

The ServeMode property controls which version of Nitro to serve. The default mode is Latest, serving the most recent version of Nitro from a CDN. You can also serve the embedded version (Embedded) of Nitro, which is included in the package.

  • Latest: Serves the latest version of Nitro from a CDN.
  • Insider: Serves the insider version of Nitro from a CDN, allowing preview of upcoming features.
  • Embedded: Serves the embedded version of Nitro that comes with the package.
  • Version(string version): Serves a specific version of Nitro from the CDN.

Depending on your environment or preferences, you can choose the appropriate mode:

.WithOptions(new GraphQLToolOptions
ServeMode = GraphQLToolServeMode.Embedded

Configuration Options

You can tailor Nitro to your needs by setting various options via the GraphQLToolOptions class. You can specify these options using the WithOptions() method in both MapGraphQL() and MapNitroApp() methods.

EnableboolIf false, disables the Nitro tool.
ServeModeGraphQLToolServeModeDefines how Nitro is served. Options include Latest (default), Insider, Embedded, and Version(string version).
TitlestringSpecifies the title of the Nitro page.
DocumentstringSpecifies the default document content.
IncludeCookiesboolIf true, includes cookies in the HTTP call to the GraphQL backend.
HttpHeadersIHeaderDictionarySpecifies the default HTTP headers for Nitro.
HttpMethodDefaultHttpMethodSpecifies the default HTTP method to use.
GraphQLEndpointstringSpecifies the GraphQL endpoint. If UseBrowserUrlAsGraphQLEndpoint is true, it must be a relative path; otherwise, it must be an absolute URL.
UseBrowserUrlAsGraphQLEndpointboolIf true, the schema endpoint URL is inferred from the browser URL.

Here is an example of how to set these options:

.WithOptions(new GraphQLToolOptions
ServeMode = GraphQLToolServeMode.Insider,
Title = "My GraphQL API",
Document = "Query { hello }",
GraphQLEndpoint = "/api/graphql",
IncludeCookies = true,
Enable = true